Patient Participation Chairs Group

Patient Participation Groups work in partnership with their practices to inform and improve local healthcare services.  They are made up of individual patients who take an active interest in patient healthcare.

 The role of a PPG member includes:

  • being a critical friend to the practice
  • advising the practice on the patient perspective and providing insight into the responsiveness and quality of services
  • encouraging patients to take greater responsibility for their own and their family’s health
  • carrying out research into the views of those who use the practice
  • organising health promotion events and improving health literacy
  • engaging in regular communication with the wider patient population

PPGs have opportunities to influence at both individual practice level and at CCG level through their practice representative on the Council Members.

If you are interested in joining your local practice group, contact your local surgery.

Patient Participation Chairs group

As a CCG, we host a regular meeting to bring together patient group representatives to network, share ideas and discuss good practice in order to feedback to their own practices. 

Meetings are chaired by the Lay board member with responsibility for championing patient involvement and supported by staff from the CCG.

Local Healthwatch have a standing invitation to attend as do the Accord Steering Group.

Guest speakers attend meetings to provide information and obtain members views.  Recent meetings have considered CCG Primary Care Strategy, Extended Hours services and the development of digital services within the NHS.

Not only are the group involved in consultation but also spend time covering issues of mutual interest such as how to best tackle non- attendances for appointments, by sharing best practice across the different surgeries.

The group is another method (alongside Accord and the Community Forum) by which the CCG reaches out to patients and public in North East Lincolnshire.


There are a range of resources for PPG’s to support development and best practice.

The Patients Association

The National Association for Patient Participation