World Mental Health Day

For World Mental Health Day on 31st October 2018 we held a premiere event with a range of children and young people, screening one of the newest anti-stigma films and also invited parents, carers and family along to join in.

During this premiere we also used this as an opportunity to engage with children and young people on the creation of a single digital platform for all information, advice and guidance to be in one place as children and young people have told us that they do not know where to go to find out information, advice and guidance and the current websites are not suitable. Parents and carers have also expressed that they do not know where to go and what trusted websites to use and has also been echoed by professionals who are supporting children and young people.

Children and young people were asked to give their feedback on a range of website pages to help shape the design and development of a North East Lincolnshire focussed website.

The common themes from the websites which were shown as examples were:

  • Too wordy/dark
  • Uninteresting text blocks
  • Too much writing/too professional
  • Like colourful
  • Like icons

We also asked children and young people to answer the following questions:

  • What could we improve or start doing?
  • What services and/or support are working well in NEL?
  • What services could we stop doing?

These answers then formed part of the local transformation action plan and focused on what key areas we should concentrate on in the upcoming financial year for 2019/2020.