What we spend and how we spend it

Financial information about the CCG will be made available here as it is produced.  If the information you require is not available here please see how you can make a Freedom of Information request to obtain the information here


The CCG's Funding Allocation

Details of the CCG's funding allocation received from NHS England can be found on the NHS England website here.


The CCG's Financial Plans

Details of the CCG's financial strategy can be found in NHS North East Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group Strategic Plan 2014/19 which is published on the CCG website here


Financial Updates

Updates on the CCG's financial position are reported to the Clinical Commissioning Group's Governing Body. Papers for these meetings are published on the CCG website here


Expenditure over £25K

Details of corporate expenditure exceeding £25,000 can be found here


Annual Accounts

The CCG's Annual Accounts are published with the NHS North East Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group Annual Reports, which are published on the CCG website here

The latest Annual Audit Letter can be found at the bottom of this page.



Details of what services the CCG buys, how the CCG procures services and details of our providers can be found on the following pages on our website:

What services we buy

Market Position Statement

North East Lincolnshire CCG Procurement Strategy

North East Lincolnshire CCG Procurement Policy

Details of our providers and our contracts database can be found here.


Prime Financial Policies

Details of the CCG's Prime Financial Policies are outlined in Appendix H of the NHS North East Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group's Constitution which is published on the CCG website here


Staff Pay

Agenda for Change (AfC) is the current National Health Service (NHS) grading and pay system for all NHS staff (excluding doctors, dentists and some senior managers).

Current Agenda for Change pay rates


Travel and Subsistence Allowances

Details of reimbursement of travel costs and subsistence allowances for NHS Employees can be found in the NHS Terms and Conditions of Service Handbook which is published here