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Find out what is happening in local health and care services

Join us at our Way Forward event, March 14, 1-4pm at the Humber Royal Hotel, Grimsby- everyone welcome!

NHS North East Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust are working together to host the latest opportunity for local people to get involved in health and care services.

The fourth Way Forward event will focus on the NHS Long Term plan which was published in January 2019. The Long Term plan aims to make the NHS fit for the future, providing high quality care and better health outcomes for patients and their families, through every stage of life.

CCG Chief Executive, Rob Walsh; Trust Chief Executive Dr Peter Reading and Medical Director Dr Kate Wood will be attending to discuss what the NHS Long term plan means for North East Lincolnshire patients, carers and staff. Key areas of discussion will include local workforce challenges and what actions are being taken to create a health and care system that supports everyone’s health and wellbeing.

“The long term plan for the NHS sets out some of the challenges and issues the health service is facing” explained Dr Peter Reading, Trust Chief Executive. “Events like this give local people the chance to get involved in discussions about what those issues mean for them in their communities and what they would like the health service to focus on in the future.  The conversations we have, and the feedback we get, mean we will be able to make sure we reflect the views of local people when we plan how we deliver sustainable services in the next few years and beyond.”

As usual, there will be opportunity for everyone to get involved. We will be using our ‘ask the audience’ voting handsets and will be holding a question and answer panel with local NHS health and social care leaders.

“As a health system, we are looking forward to joining forces to hold our fourth Way Forward event” said Rob Walsh, Chief Executive of the CCG. “This is your chance to find out what is happening locally and to share your opinions and ideas with us. Holding exciting events like this provides us with real insight and makes a tangible impact on how we plan for the future and allocate resources for the benefit of the community we serve.”

For people who are unable to attend during the day, there will be a ‘Bite-sized’ version of the event on March 19 from 5pm at Centre 4, Wootton Road, Grimsby.

Please let us know if you would like to attend by sending an email to or by ringing the engagement team on 0300 3000 567.

If you have any access requirements, please let us know so that we can support you to fully participate in this event. You can email or call us on 0300 3000 567

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