Meeting Papers
CCG Publications & Statements
- The joint statement by NHS North East Lincolnshire CCG and North East Lincolnshire Council can be accessed by visiting the following link Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2021-22
- The principles and values of the NHS in England and information on how to make a complaint about NHS services can be accessed by visiting the following external link NHS Constitution for England
- Bribery Act Statement
- Implementing the Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) is a requirement for NHS commissioners and NHS healthcare providers including independent organisations. You can find out more by visiting Workforce Race Equality Standard.
- The CCGs within NHS Humber, Coast and Vale Integrated Care System (ICS) do not routinely support the prescribing of medicines and treatments for self-limiting and minor health conditions where they are available to buy over the counter and self-care is the most appropriate route. This is explained in the Self Care Commissioning statement – May 2021
Humber CCG Learning Disabilities Mortality Review Programme Annual Report 2021/22
Humber CCGs Learning Disabilities Mortality Review Programme Annual Report 2021/22 Easy Read Version
Financial & Performance Publications
- In accordance with the HM Treasury guidance ‘Transparency – Publication of Spend over £25,000’, North East Lincolnshire CCG has made a commitment to publish all transactions over £25,000. Visit £25k Plus Spend and you can view details of the transactions by downloading the monthly reports at the bottom of the page.
- Operational Scheme of Delegation
- Scheme of Delegation Financial Limits
- Penalties & Charges
- Links to the latest Annual Report and Accounts and the latest Annual Audit letter can be found at Latest Annual Report and Accounts and Latest Annual Audit Report. An archive of previous Annual Reports and Audit Letters can be viewed at Archived Annual Report and Accounts and Archived Annual Audit Letters. You can also read the Annual Audit Completion Certificate.
- The CCG's assurance report in respect of compliance with the Mental Health Investment Standard can be viewed at Mental Health Investment Standard Statement.
Declaration of Interest Publications
More information about how the CCG managed Conflicts of Interest can be found by visiting
- Declaration of Interest Register 1 December 2020 - 31 May 2021
- Declaration of Interest Register June 2021 - November 2021
- Declaration of Interest Register December 2021 - June 2022
- Declaration of Minutes Register December 2020- November 2021
- Declaration of Minutes Register December 2021 - June 2022
- Breaches Register December 2020 - November 2021
- Register of Sponsorship, Hospitality and Gifts December 2020 - November 2021
Strategies, Plans & General Policies
- North East Lincolnshire Strategic Estates Plan (2015 -2020) (under review)
- The North East Lincolnshire Union Strategic Plan 2020-24 was developed prior to the Covid19 pandemic and whilst our resolve to achieve our strategic outcomes remains, the long term impact of Covid19 is yet to be realised and accordingly, this Plan may be subject to future change.
- Our CCG is part of a partnership of 28 health and social care organisations working together to improve the wellbeing of people living in North East Lincolnshire and its wider neighbours in the area referred to as Humber, Coast and Vale. You can read about the strategies and plans of the Humber Coast and Vale Health and Care Partnership by visiting the following external link Humber Coast and Vale Strategies and Plans
- The North East Lincolnshire CCG Engagement Strategy exists to provide the CCG Governing Body, Council of Members, partner organisations and the public with not only a vision of how engagement should be shaped but also a route map of how this activity will influence our work.
- The North East Lincolnshire locality, or ‘place’, is working towards improving outcomes for individuals through integrated care provision, delivered by a partnership of organisations: the Integrated Care Partnership (ICP). General practice is at the heart of this, and primary care has a significant part to play in supporting self-management and ensuring individuals get the right care at the right time, when they need it. The ICP will work collaboratively across the Humber, Coast and Vale Partnership Integrated Care System to ensure access for the local population to good quality care for services that are delivered across a wider footprint. To find out more please read the North East Lincolnshire CCG Primary Care Strategy 2019-2024 and accompanying North East Lincolnshire CCG Primary Care Strategy 2019-2024 Equality Impact Assessment.
- In collaboration with our partners in the Humber region we have developed and agreed a Humber Information Sharing Charter The charter sets out our commitment to share the information we hold about you, in a fair and transparent way. (External link)
- The North East Lincolnshire CCG Procurement Strategy sets out how NHS North East Lincolnshire CCG will develop its procurement activities. It does not set out the detailed procurement processes or approval routes as these will be covered by the CCG’s Organisational Scheme of Delegation and Procurement Policies and Procedures which can be viewed by visiting North East Lincolnshire CCG Procurement Policy
Interim arrangements for individual funding requests (for treatment not routinely commissioned by the NHS)
The Health and Care Act 2022 dissolved Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and transferred statutory functions (duties and powers) to Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) on 1 July 2022. ICBs now have a statutory responsibility for commissioning services for the population within available resources.
The Health and Care Act also transferred all statutory function policies from CCGs to ICBs on 1 July 2022, which has highlighted a variation in clinical commissioning policies across the geographic areas of Humber and North Yorkshire.
The ICB recognises that the CCGs undertook significant and robust authorisation processes to develop local policies for local populations, and that adopting a single policy is not always desirable or achievable quickly, for example due to differences in provision and local GP knowledge about service availability, and a statutory duty to engage on matters of proposed service change.
For these reasons the ICB has adopted a CCG-based approach to Individual Funding Requests, using patient GP post code aligned to the CCG boundary as it was on 30 June 2022. Alternative arrangements which seek to remove variation for patients cannot be achieved for the reasons above.
The ICB has established a clinically and professionally led group comprised of experts from former CCGs, and GPs representing each local area, to lead the review of all clinical policies. The group aims to prepare commissioning policies in two waves – wave one will be completed by the end of March 2023 and wave two by the end of March 2024. The process for Individual Funding Requests will be clearly communicated to all GPs and referring specialists to ensure that patients remain well informed.
Details of the Humber and North Yorkshire IFR Policy including the IFR Panel and Appeals Panel process and relevant commissioning statement can be found here: Clinical Policies - Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB)
Background information on the NHS Individual Funding Request (IFR) process:
Whilst most service provision is commissioned through established service agreements with healthcare providers, there are occasions when services are excluded or not routinely available within the NHS. The Individual Funding Request policy supports clinical decision making in this instance. Decisions are made on a case-by-case basis supported by clinical commissioning policies / statements which set out the evidence base (cost, clinical, and health outcomes), quality and equality impacts, and value for money. CCG policies were developed over many years to reflect local populations, service provision and clinical practice, all of which can differ from place to place.
The Access to Infertility treatment Commissioning Policy and accompanying EIA represents the commissioning policy of North East Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group for the clinical pathway which provides access to specialist fertility services. This commissioning policy has been developed in partnership with the Yorkshire and Humber Expert Fertility Panel. It is intended to provide a framework for the commissioning of services for those couples who are infertile and require infertility interventions. The policy was developed jointly by Clinical Commissioning Groups in the Yorkshire and Humber area and provides a common view of the clinical pathway and criteria for commissioning services which have been adopted by North East Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group.
Gamete harvesting and storage policy - please see the following ink to the NEL CCG Sole Commissioning Statement Fertility Intervention Gamete Harvesting and Storage (page 12).
Adult Services Publications & Policies
- Adult Social Care Local Account - latest and an Adult Social Care Local Account - Archive going back to 2011/12.
- Annual Complaints/Compliments Report and archive.
- The 2017-21 North East Lincolnshire (NEL) Carers’ Strategy, Vision and Forward View
- Micro-Commissioning in Adult Social Care, Continuing Healthcare and Funded Nursing Care:Principles of Consistent, Pragmatic, and Ethical Decision Making For Staff provides the framework within which micro-commissioning decisions are taken regarding allocation of adult social care, There is an Engagement Report for the policy.
- Direct Payments Policy. This policy provides the framework within which direct payments are made available in North East Lincolnshire.
Continuing Health Care
Continuing Health Care Overarching Policy Links to the Choice policy and Personal Health Care Budgets can be found within this policy. For full details on Personal Health Care Budgets please visit the Personal Budgets page of this website.
NHS Continuing Healthcare - Redress Guidance
Mental Capacity Act
Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Deprivation of Liberty Policy
Best Interests Assessors' Competencies Framework
Best Interests Assessors Training Agreement
Deprivation of Liberty in Hospital - Agreed Principles (a Memorandum of Understanding) is a memorandum of understanding of the law at the interface between the Mental Health Act 1983 and Mental Capacity Act 2005, signed by commissioners, mental health and social care teams.
Local Services
Despite best efforts to regulate the local care market, services are interrupted and sometimes fail. Difficulties can occur for many reasons. The role of commissioners is to monitor and identify threats within provider organisations and to intervene early where appropriate.
This Market Intelliegence and Failing Services Policy and Procedure details how North East Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group (‘the CCG’), with the membership of the Market Intelligence/Failing Services Group (‘the MIFS Group’), will coordinate and manage responses to a service interruption or failure. Actions and procedure will differ depending on the type of service provision in question.
North East Lincolnshire Adult Services Review - Final Report This is the independent report from the 2018 local adult services review, produced by FutureGov. With North East Lincolnshire Adult Services Review - Return Visit Final Report an independent report produced by FutureGov following the 2019 local adult services review return visit to understand the progress that has been made against delivering the roadmap, what this means for user experience, and how leadership can continue to provide strong direction for the project going forward.
Terms of Reference
Terms of Reference for the Appeal Panel sets out the Terms of Reference for the panel which considers appeals from service users or their representatives financial against charges, formal complaints relating to charging, and decisions of the Individual Commissioning Approval and Advice Panel.
Terms of Reference for The Individual Commissioning Approval and Advice Panel (ICAAP). A panel established to provide robust/defensible internal assurance between the CCG and focus independent adult social work in regard of the quality, cost effectiveness and efficiency of individual packages of care, micro-commissioned within North East Lincolnshire.
Children and Young People
- Northern Lincolnshire Child Death Review Arrangements 2019/20 outlines the intentions of the Northern Lincolnshire Child Death Review which will come into effect from 29th September. Current Child Death Review Process and Child Death Overview Panel information can be found on the Safer NEL website. You can find out more about the 2019/20 Northern Lincolnshire Child Death Review Arrangements by visiting the Child Death Review page.
- North East Lincolnshire’s Transformation Plan for Children & Young People’s Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing 2019/2020 highlights the key achievements which have been undertaken and detail the future plans for the Local Transformation Plan (LPT) in North East Lincolnshire (NEL).
- Child Death Review Process Brief - New guidance was released in October 2018 outlining the duties of the new Child Death Review (CDR) partners, the Local Authority and the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). This guidance aims to set out the processes to be followed when responding to, investigating, and reviewing the death of any child, from any cause.
External Reports and Publications
An independent investigation into the care and treatment of a mental health service user A in NAViGO: Published March 2020 (external link) This is the report of the independent investigation into the care and treatment of a mental health service user A in NAViGO. An independent investigation assurance review (published June 2021) can be viewed here.