Governing Body Members
Governing Body Members
The CCG Governing Body is made up of key people from the CCG.
Members are listed below:
Mark Webb |
Mark Webb spent a number of years in senior roles in publishing, eventually starting up his own local newspaper that ran for just under a decade. Mark is the founder and Managing director of a commercial property and business support company E-Factor Group Ltd, a social enterprise dedicated to assisting local business and entrepreneurs. Having spent many years in the commercial sector, Mark also has considerable experience in public/ private sector partnership and working with local communities. A former chair of the local strategic partnership and current chair of the Growth and Development Board and the new Integrated ‘Union’ , Mark calls on many years of experience in all sectors and a range of partnerships to provide challenge and support in equal measures to all parts of the health and social care sector. Above all Mark is passionate about the real and meaningful involvement of the North East Lincolnshire community in the design and delivery of their health and care. Mark is Chair of the Governing Body, Chair of the Union Board, Chair of the Primary Care Commissioning Committee, Chair of the Remuneration committee, and a member of the Care Contracting Committee. He joined the Governing Body of the CCG at its commencement. |
Dr Peter Melton |
Dr Peter Melton was born and brought up in North East Lincolnshire. After studying medicine in London he returned to the area to complete his General Practice training. He became a partner in the Roxton Practice in Immingham in 1993 and remains there now. He joined the Governing Body of the CCG at its commencement. |
Rob Walsh Chief Executive/ NELCCG/NELC |
Rob Walsh was appointed Chief Executive of North East Lincolnshire Council on 1 January 2014, having been with the local authority since it formed in 1996. Following a decision taken by the Council and CCG in 2017 whereby the two would take their much advanced health and social care partnership even further, the Council/CCG “Union” was formed. On 1st August 2017 Rob was duly appointed Chief Executive of North East Lincolnshire Council and North East Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group. In his role as Chief Executive Rob has been keen to promote the profile of the council and the borough with a view to creating the right conditions for investment, economic growth and community resilience, symbolised by the announcement by the Government of a Town Deal for Grimsby. Rob is a keen advocate of system integration, partnership working and a learning culture, recognising that an area like North East Lincolnshire can and will thrive if there is a clear vision and common purpose across all sectors – public, private, voluntary and community.
Laura Whitton |
After qualifying as a Chartered Accountant in Sheffield, Laura spent several years gaining experience working on audits in a number of different sectors and has worked in the NHS for over 20 years. Since joining the NHS she has held a number of Senior Finance roles at both Deputy Director and Assistant Director level, across a range of NHS organisations, including South Humber Health Authority, NEL Primary Care Trust, NEL Care Trust Plus and NEL CCG. In addition to her professional qualifications, Laura has a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry. She joined the Governing Body of the CCG in January 2017 |
Vacant |
Dr Ekta Elston |
Dr Elston has been a GP in North East Lincolnshire for 10 years, and is a Partner at The Roxton Practice. She has a particular interest in education and workforce development, and is also a Training Program Director for The GP Training Scheme in Northern Lincolnshire. Ekta brings experience in working in different health care settings, including Africa and Australia, and is passionate about the NHS and ensuring it provides high quality sustainable care to patients. She joined the Governing Body of the CCG in Feb 2018. |
Helen Kenyon Chief Operating Officer |
Helen Kenyon is a qualified accountant and has worked in the NHS for over 25 years. She has worked in North East Lincolnshire since 1999. On behalf of the Partnership Agreement between the CCG and North East Lincolnshire Council she oversees the commissioning, contracting and performance management of both Healthcare and Adult Social Care services. She chairs the CCG’s Delivery Assurance Committee, and Care Contracting Committee. She joined the Governing Body of the CCG at its commencement.
Joe Warner |
Joe Warner qualified as a social worker in 1987 and is registered with the Health and Care Professional Council. Joe is Chief Executive of Focus Independent Adult Social Work CIC and has worked in senior management positions in several local authorities, including joint NHS and Council posts and also a London CCG. He was also the managing director of a not for profit company supporting people with a learning disability. He joined the CCG Governing Body in September 2013. |
Vacant |
Philip Bond |
Philip became involved with the NHS following early retirement on health grounds from a career as a lawyer in the Court Service. He was elected as a Public Governor on the local NHS hospital Trust, serving as Lead Governor before becoming involved with the CCG. He was selected as a Non-Executive Member on the CCG Governing Body in 2013. His role covers Public and Patient Involvement. Philip has a voluntary role in the Education sector, where he chairs Tollbar Family of Academies, a local Trust responsible for four local secondary and three primary Academies. The last year has been a challenging one and Philip has tried to ensure patients and the public voices are heard and taken account of in CCG decision making. Philip was invited to join the Union Board during the course of the last year which gives the opportunity for input at the highest level. He also acts as Vice Chair of the Primary Care Commissioning group and has recently joined the Integrated Audit Committee. He represents the patient and public view on the Clinical Governance Committee, where challenge can be brought to ensure patient safety in procedures. Membership of the Union Board will present a significant opportunity to ensure decisions are not just made on a purely clinical ground. These changes to committee structures and new membership will take time to bed down and that will provide challenge for the 2020/21 year. His goal is to ensure the voice of public and patient alike is heard in these committees. Philip also acts as the link between the CCG Governing Body and Accord (the community membership of the CCG). The Accord Steering Group (which Philip attends) is presently in the stages of re-energising their membership and one of the goals will be that in twelve months’ time, Accord will have a thriving membership. He chairs the Patient Participation Chairs Group which is presently struggling to attract involvement from local GP practices and a major goal for Philip in this area is related to how the Primary Care Networks (PCN), groupings of local practices which will develop throughout 2020/21 and whether efforts can be made to create PPG Super Groups for particular PCN areas. Philip is committed to endeavouring when decisions are made, the public and patient voice does get a hearing. |
Dr Renju Mathews |
Dr Mathews has been a Full Time Principal GP for 10 years at his surgery based in Stirling Medical & Cromwell PCC. |
Dr Jeeten Raghwani |
Dr Jeeten Raghwani was born and brought up in Grimsby. After studying Pharmacy in London went on to study medicine at Leicester. He returned to the area to complete his General Practice training. He became a partner in the Greenlands Surgery in 2014 and remains there now. His other roles include that of a PCN clinical director and also a member of the Independent Funding Requests panel for North East Lincs CCG. |
Jan Haxby |
Jan is a Registered General Nurse (RGN), Registered Sick Children’s Nurse (RSCN), Specialist Community Public Health Nurse (BSc Hons) and holds a Master’s degree in Leadership in Health & Social Care. Jan completed her nurse training in 1985 and worked for a number of years in adult services, including surgical and renal specialties. She spent a number of years working in the fields of dialysis and renal transplant units across both Oxford and Hull and at this point started working with young people aged 14+ with renal disease. She moved into a strategy lead and commissioning role for children’s health services in 2003, which was a joint post between the Primary Care Trust and the Council, and then became Head of Children’s Health Services in the Council in 2008, and finally Chief Nurse Commissioner in the Council in 2013, before taking up her current post of Director of Quality & Registered Strategic Nurse in July 2015 with the CCG. Jan brings a range of values developed over 30 years of experience working in the NHS; around quality of services, patient experience and nursing as a caring profession.
Tim Render |
Tim is the retired Finance Director of a major local authority. He has worked in local authorities for most of his career: early posts included social work trainee, town planner, and transport planner before he qualified in finance. He now spends his time on a portfolio of voluntary and non- executive roles in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. He is a trustee of several charities in Leicestershire, where he lives. He is a director of the Midland Academies Trust (which oversees 4 schools), a Midlands housing association, a joint venture school building company, a local foodbank, and a training charity for people with learning disabilities. He chairs the Audit Committee of North East Lincolnshire Council. He enjoys the company of his family (as a father of four and grandfather to six, and a wide variety of classical music (which he also plays on the piano and pipe organ, but not well.) He joined the CCG Governing Body as a lay member and Chair of the Integrated Governance & Audit Committee in August 2016. |
Dr Christopher Hayes |
Vacant (Standing Attendee)
Chief Operating Officer (NELC) |
Joanne took up post as Chief Operating Officer in 2018 and was previously the Deputy Chief Executive which included holding the statutory roles of Director of Children’s and Adult Services. Joanne has been with the local authority since 1996. Her career started in the Early Years and Childcare Department and was instrumental in the development of Nursery Education provision across the borough. Joanne has 30 years’ experience of working with Children and Family Services. Working in the private, voluntary and public sector. Prior to the appointment of Deputy Chief Executive and as a Strategic Director Joanne has lead on many programmes and initiatives which include Lead the Regional programme of Regional Adoption Agencies Leadership of a range of multidisciplinary services across: Child Protection, Family Support; Children’s Community Health; Complex Health; early years; extended schools services; children’s centres; Integrated Youth support Services; children’s health safeguarding. Lead responsibility for frontline services, including: integrated children’s teams, through children’s centres (health, social care, education); early years education and daycare; health visiting; school nursing; Lead for children’s commissioning and procurement across child protection and children’s health services Lead responsibility for the transfer of commissioning and delivery of the children’s health provision, and changing the models of delivery. More recently Joanne has led on a whole scale system change programme across the council and its partners developing an Outcomes Framework for the borough on which all future commissioning will be based, and developing ‘Place Based’ partnership arrangements for delivery of outcomes for our population. In her spare time, Joanne is a keen gardener. Joanne lives locally, is married and has four children and 3 grandchildren. |