Equality Impact Assessment Panel

Here at the CCG, we know that hearing the views of the people in our community helps us to plan and buy services that meet the needs of local people. One way that we do this is through our Equality Impact Assessment panel. Our panel, made up of community members, meet regularly to help the CCG to ensure that their plans and policies do not have a negative impact on local people, particularly those with protected characteristics.

The protected characteristics covered by the Equality Act 2010 are:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender Reassignment
  • Marriage & Civil partnerships (but only in respect of eliminating unlawful discrimination)
  • Pregnancy & Maternity
  • Race
  • Religion & Beliefs (this includes ethnic or national origins, colour or nationality)
  • Sex
  • Sexual Orientation

In North East Lincolnshire, we also consider unpaid carers and social deprivation as characteristics.

Whilst this panel have a very serious and important job, the meetings are friendly and informal which encourages lively debate where all panel members are supported to express their thoughts, views and experiences.

We are currently recruiting community members to our panel and would love it if you could join us! We are looking for motivated individuals who are passionate about equality and the services that are delivered in North East Lincolnshire.

Below, we have included an example of an equality impact assessment which was completed for our latest engagement strategy. Before the meeting, panel members received our engagement strategy and the equality impact assessment which was completed by the author of the strategy. The panel were able to read through the documentation and then challenge aspects within the strategy that may have been missed.

Click here to view the Engagement Strategy Equality Impact Assessment.

Eveline (pictured below) is our Community lead for Equality and Diversity and one of our Equality Impact Assessment Panel members. Eveline shares information about what it is like to be a panel member.


"My volunteer work with the Clinical Commissioning Group began in 2017 when my only experience of the NHS was as a patient. As a lifelong user of the NHS I felt it was time I gave something back. My passion and belief in fairness and equality for all, across public services, led me to becoming an Equality and Diversity representative on the Community Forum. Part of this role involves working with the Equality Impact Assessment Panel to ensure that no one in our community is disadvantaged or discriminated against in the CCG's policies, services and projects.

There have been positive spin offs from volunteering in addition to providing a community voice. I enjoy widening my understanding of Equality and Diversity issues, as well as meeting with some friendly, supportive and enthusiastic professionals and fellow volunteers. 

The Equality Impact Assessment Panel generally meets once a month. Together we look at the CCG policies, and through our discussions are able raise awareness of any potential barriers for people with protected characteristics. This might be around how information will be accessible to people with communication difficulties or language needs, or how people experiencing any form of disadvantage or vulnerability can access services. If the Panel highlights any issues the policy is returned for further consideration.

The Panel would greatly benefit from having more members. People with experience of the protected characteristics would bring a valuable insight into the particular needs of that group, as well as adding to the effectiveness of the work of the Panel. Please consider joining us".

If you would like to join the panel or would like to hear some more information about what it is like to be a panel member please get in touch with us, we’d love to hear from you.

Call us on: 0300 3000 567


Email us: nelccg.accord@nhs.net